Established as New York's very first museum in 1804, New-York Historical Society is the quintessential landmark venue for Social and Corporate Events alike! Just as monumental as the venue itself, The New-York Historical Society commemorated the 50th Anniversary of Stonewall by featuring two exhibitions, which highlighted the meaningful history of the LGBTQ community. This exhibition is on view until September 22, 2019! Our team was lucky enough to attend the opening of this inspiring event, and of course we felt that we had to share our experience at this amazing venue, with you!
Inspiration for Event and Exhibition:

This event honored the 50th Anniversary of the uprising at Stonewall and was extremely important to New-York Historical Society. Through this event, it wasNew-York Historical hope to create a space where museum members, exhibitions, and all new comers would feel welcomed and truly heard, as it marked the progress of the Gay Rights Movement. “The Stonewall uprising on June 28–July 3, 1969, was a watershed moment in the gay rights movement, and we’re proud to honor its legacy at New-York Historical Society during this 50th anniversary year,” said Dr. Louise Mirrer, president and CEO of New-York Historical.
History Behind the Event:

Letting Loose and Fighting Back: LGBTQ Nightlife Before and AfterStonewall:
Light is shed on the ways in which nightlife has been critical in shaping LGBTQ identity. Museum goers are taken on a journey, beginning with the battered history of Gay Bars during the 1950s and 1960s. The exhibition then highlightsthe rise of the gay liberation movement in the late 1960s and 1970s and the development of LGBTQ clubs as places of community involvement towards Gay Rights in the 1980s and early 1990s.
By the Force of Our Presence: Highlights from the Lesbian Herstory:
These archives contain the world’s largest collection of materials by and about lesbians. Within this exhibit, you can find personal memorabilia of Mabel Hampton, T-shirts from vital events that took place in support of the Lesbian community, history on the first organization (Third World Women) for Queer women of color, along with pivotal pieces of history surrounding the Lesbian Community, up until present day.
Say It Loud, Out and Proud: Fifty Years of Pride:
This exhibition showcases the history of LGBTQ protests through a timeline (pictured above) that highlights momentous points in the Queer community, specifically focusing on the notion that the fight for equal rights still continues.
Fun Facts About the Exhibit:

According to Karen Roshevsky, Director of Special Events at New-York Historical, "Rollerina who is featured in the exhibition, was on hand the night of the event, and the last guest to leave the party!"
Unique Vendors and Surprise Guests:
For this event,New-York Historical hoped to recognizethe diversity within the Events Industry. They collaborated with iconic designers like David Beahm, Rising Star Planner Jove Meyer, and legendary vendors. Ron Ben Israel, a renowned pastry chef, created an amazing cake that beautifully showcased pride! The goal was to bring in as many queer-owned businesses and vendors, as possible!
Surprise Guests:
Billie Jean King, a former professional Tennis player and a proponent for gender equality and social justice, made a surprise appearance! Legends such as Rollerina and BFA Photographer Benjamin Lozovsky were also in attendance, making this event one to remember!
Event Spaces at New York Historical Society:
Smith Lobby:

The Library:

Dexter Hall:

Free venue finding is truly our passion! Our team of NYC event planners won’t rest until we’re able to help our clients find the perfect place for their event. If you’re interested in booking New York Historical Society or any NYC event spaces, contact us!